
Are you struggling with constant worry or intrusive thoughts? Our anxiety and OCD specialist is here to help. With years of experience and specialized training, our expert will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses your unique needs. Don't let anxiety control your life any longer. Schedule a consultation today and...

Austin is a wonderful city that has so much to offer for families. From outdoor activities to cultural events, this city has something for everyone. Here's our guide on how to make the most of your family trip to Austin.
First, let's talk about food. Austin is famous for its delicious Tex-Mex cuisine and barbecue restaurants. Some of our...

Depression that meets diagnostic criteria (e.g., Major Depressive Disorder) is by far the most prevalent mental disorder worldwide. Depression manifests itself differently in kids than it does in grownups. A lack of enthusiasm and increased irritability are common symptoms in children. You should know that your child may be depressed even if he or...

Common symptoms associated with a panic attack include racing heartbeat or palpitations, shortness of breath, or feeling like you are choking, and dizziness. Fortunately, panic disorders are very treatable through cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Do you or a loved one suffer from panic attacks? Get more information from one of our specialists...

Austin Anxiety and OCD Specialists
205 Wild Basin Rd S #3 Suite 202 Austin, TX, 78746
(512) 246-7225
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